Published by Elizabeth Martinez Gonzalez, Public Relations
It's no secret that Puerto Rico is not a stranger to Baseball, no matter the teams or positions we are used to see a Puerto Rican in an MLB Team. Many of them have played in Legion Baseball, two Hall of Famers as recent as Roberto Alomar & Ivan Rodriguez have also played Legion Baseball. After a 13-year break in this league in the Island we can happily say we are back on track to work with our youth in Legion Baseball thanks to the collaboration with the Municipality of Caguas that believed in our organization and signed a 5-year MOU to get the ball rolling. We had four teams in this year's rosters and the final was between TSD/Post 160 & SBO PR/Post 129.
Team TSD which is sponsored by Post 160
Team SBO PR which is sponsored by Post 129
On 13th of July, we had our final game for Legion Baseball in Puerto Rico. The baseball park was full of great energy since Teams were tied 1-1 it literally could have been anyone's game.
Team SBO Puerto Rico who is sponsored by Post 129 was up 5-1 in the top of the 7th inning. We have to say that the spectators were pumped up cheering for their teams and were really on their seats hoping for the best. Team TSD who is sponsored by Post 160 was entering the bottom of the 7th, no outs and hits started going on this teams favor until they won 6-5 winning the Championship and Pass to the Southeast Regional Tournament.
Champions were able to go to an interview in CTNI Deportes (CTNI Sports) conducted by Mr. Pedro Leon who played Legion Baseball in Championship Team 1984
We wish to thank each and every sponsor or member that came to see these fine young men. When I was writing this piece I had been speaking with some parents and was very proud to know that various of the players had decided to go play in Universities in the US and we had one of the Players that signed in the Draft with MLB. We wish to send a heartfelt blessing to each and every player, coach and family or friend that joined us during this beautiful journey.
If you wish to join us in next year's tournament which starts at the beginning of 2025, feel free to call our Legion Baseball Chairman in Puerto Rico at Mr. Angel Narvaez at 787-518-0049 or Mr. Hector Falero at 787-469-9099. You can as well email or Public Relations via email at